12 Oct PBOR | October Chili Cook-Off and Baked Goods Auction PBOR | October Chili Cook-Off and Baked Goods Auction Wednesday, October 12, 2022 (11:30 AM to 1:00 PM) The Events Place PBOR Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocationCancellation Policy Please join us for our Chili Cook-Off and Baked Goods Auction. If you'd like to enter your chili or donate a baked good for the auction, please click here. Each registration is a $15 PAF investment and includes 3 voting tickets. Additional voting tickets can be purchased, $5 investment per ticket or an $10 investment for 5 tickets. Registration: 11:00 am Luncheon: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Special Guest: Brad Mock, Director of Government Affairs with Georgia REALTORS PAF Disclaimer Contributions to NAR PAF are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. All contributions to NAR PAF are voluntary and used for political purposes. The Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone because of the amount contributed or decision not to contribute. You may refuse to contribute without fear of reprisal. The Events Place 855 Hiram Douglasville HwyHiram, GA 30141 Map & Directions Please let us know if you need to cancel your registration.