Lessons Learned in the Trenches: Commercial Case Studies

22 Sep

Lessons Learned in the Trenches: Commercial Case Studies

Lessons Learned in the Trenches: Commercial Case Studies

Tuesday, September 22, 2020 (1:00 PM to 4:00 PM)
3.00 CE Hours
Zoom Video Conference CAPITUS, Commercial CE

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In this course students will gain insights and share in lessons learned by the instructor during the execution of his real-world client assignments. Five specific large and small assignments for large and small clients will be discussed - transactions involving new leases, lease renewals, and dispositions for office and industrial properties.

Click here to watch an overview of the course.

Your class information and Zoom link will be sent to you after registration, prior to class.

Requirements for participating in a virtual class:

  • Your device must have a video webcam, microphone, and speakers. (You are required to enable video so that we can monitor attendance.)
  • You need to set up a free Zoom account prior to the class. (Your free 40-minute account will allow you easy access to our ZOOM Classroom account.)
  • You are expected to attend the entire class session (except during the 15-minute break) just as if you were sitting in a classroom.

Zoom Video Conference
Zoom Video Conference

Ed Riggins, SIOR, CCIM | Riggo & Company
Known simply as "Riggo" to the thousands who have laughed and learned while attending his programs, Ed Riggins has had a career that proves you can enjoy serious success without taking it all too seriously. He learned from doing stand-up comedy that if you want to find the truth, look for the funny. He learned from improv comedy to find the natural flow and go with it. Before becoming a national top producer, being named "Who's Who of Commercial Real Estate" by the Atlanta Business Chronicle and recognized as a "Power Broker" by Costar, Riggo mowed lawns, customized cars, drove a forklift, and was a small engine mechanic, on his way to becoming a first- generation college graduate. Ed is among less than 1% of practitioners nationally to have earned both the SIOR and CCIM designations. More info ยป