Your Money Matters

14 Sep

Your Money Matters

Your Money Matters

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM)
3.0 Education Credits
Atlanta REALTORS® Center, Atlanta, Georgia CAPITUS, Commercial CE

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Surveys show that real estate agents and brokers as compared to other professionals are not always well thought of by the public. Since real estate agents and brokers only get paid on closed transactions, there is a financial incentive to be short sighted and focus on personal financial success instead of client needs. Yet feeling reasonably financially secure themselves puts real estate professionals in the best position to put their client's best interest ahead of their own short-term financial needs and wants. The primary goal of this course is to provide practical tools that real estate brokerage professionals can use to manage their individual financial lives in a responsible way. This program demonstrates that doing the right thing pays off in the long term. Attendees learn to develop the attitudes, create the systems, and internalize the habits necessary to address the inevitability of income volatility.

Atlanta REALTORS® Center
Atlanta REALTORS® Center
5784 Lake Forrest Drive
Atlanta, GA 30328

Map & Directions

Ed Riggins, SIOR, CCIM | Riggo & Company
Known simply as "Riggo" to the thousands who have laughed and learned while attending his programs, Ed Riggins has had a career that proves you can enjoy serious success without taking it all too seriously. He learned from doing stand-up comedy that if you want to find the truth, look for the funny. He learned from improv comedy to find the natural flow and go with it. Before becoming a national top producer, being named "Who's Who of Commercial Real Estate" by the Atlanta Business Chronicle and recognized as a "Power Broker" by Costar, Riggo mowed lawns, customized cars, drove a forklift, and was a small engine mechanic, on his way to becoming a first- generation college graduate. Ed is among less than 1% of practitioners nationally to have earned both the SIOR and CCIM designations. More info »
