14 Nov Better to Be Safe than Sorry: Community Maintenance, Repair & Insurance Better to Be Safe than Sorry: Community Maintenance, Repair & Insurance Tuesday, November 14, 2023 (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM) 3.00 Education Credits Zoom Video Conference CAM, CAPITUS, CE - Continuing Education Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocationInstructorsCancellation Policy You will distinguish between association and owner maintenance obligations and be introduced to the process of selecting vendors, working through a bid process and negotiating contract provisions for association maintenance and repair obligations. You will compare and contrast insurance requirements for different types of community associations and evaluate an association's maintenance and repair obligations when there is no insurance coverage and when there is coverage. Lastly, you will explore how to successfully resolve materialmens lien disputes and contract disputes according to Georgia's Right to Repair Act. **THIS CLASS WILL TAKE PLACE VIRTUALLY VIA ZOOM** Your class information and Zoom link will be sent to you after registration, prior to class. Requirements for participating in a virtual class: Your device must have a video webcam, microphone, and speakers. (You are required to enable video so that we can monitor attendance.) You need to set up a free Zoom account prior to the class. (Your free 40-minute account will allow you easy access to our ZOOM Classroom account.) You are expected to attend the entire class session (except during the 15-minute break) just as if you were sitting in a classroom. Please Note: If you have previously taken this course, the Georgia Real Estate Commission requires 366 days before you can receive credit. Zoom Video Conference Zoom Video Conference Jamie Lyons, Esq. Jamie Lyons, a partner with Lazega & Johanson, is a veteran Community Association Attorney. Licensed in 1994 as an instructor of the Georgia Real Estate Commission, Jamie has taught the Community Association Management pre-licensing course since its inception in 1996 and has received awards for her excellent programs. Jamie also regularly teaches for the Atlanta REALTORS® Association and her law firm’s school about timely topics in the community association and real estate industries. n/a